Top IVF Programme at IVF-Spain

IVF-Life - IVF Programme with own eggs

IVF-Life is a network of private clinics with clinics located in Alicante, San Sebastián, and Madrid. It was established in 2009 and currently performs over 1,800 treatment cycles per year (data from 2018). The clinic has 3 IVF laboratories and 3 operating theatres and 7 private recovery rooms. IVF-Life holds several accreditations: ISO 9001:2015 and UNE 179007:2013 (for ART labs), INNOVATIVE SME and has been a winner of multiple IVF CLINIC AWARDS (for best Egg Donation Program, IVF with PGS program, Innovation, etc.) since 2015. Patients at IVF-Life can benefit from personal patient care assistant who helps them in their own native language. All the IVF-Life staff also speaks fluent English. IVF-Life motto is “We know how”. IVF-Life medical team is managed by Dr. Jon Aizpurua and consists of 5 doctors (excluding the medical director), and 9 embryologists, of which 4 are senior embryologists, ESHRE accredited. Dr. Sergio Rogel is the Medical Director of IVF-Life Alicante, a Specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics, and an expert in Medical Genetics and Human Fertility.

The below Top IVF Programme is performed under controlled ovarian stimulation. The goal is to retrieve as many eggs as possible. It is ideal for patients aged 30 to 42 (with a normal ovarian reserve).

IVF-Life network of clinics include clinics in the following locations:

  • Alicante
  • Madrid
  • San Sebastian.

Programme restrictions and qualification criteria

This programme also offers:

  • a personalised plan for each patient 
  • pregnancy rates 45-60%
  • no waiting list (subject to laboratory organisation and time required for preparing the treatment)
  • airport-clinic transport
  • medication plan
  • basal echography with hormone control, carried out at IVF-Life
  • echographies with hormone control, carried out at IVF-Life, if necessary

IVF programme with own eggs

at IVF-Life
  • Embryo culture till blastocyst stage
  • Gidget™ robotic system for sample tracking
  • First embryo transfer included

Services & procedures included in the IVF programme and additional costs

  • Online consultation with a doctor €150

    Before the first visit, e.g. Skype, WhatsApp.

  • First medical consultation €200

    First visit and consultation at the clinic

  • Qualification tests for woman included in the first visit

    Basic qualification laboratory tests for woman

  • Qualification tests for partner included in the first visit

    Basic qualification laboratory tests for partner

  • Embryologist consultation included in the first visit

    Consultation with an embryologist - before/after embryo transfer

  • Sperm analysis/test from €80
  • Sperm freezing before IVF program included in the sperm test
  • ICSI included
  • Blastocyst culture included

    embryo development till day 5

  • Vitrification of (remaining) embryos and storage up to 4 embryos €400, more than 4 embryos €100/embryo
  • MACS €250
  • IMSI included
  • PICSI included
  • AH - assisted hatching included
  • Embryo monitoring €600

    e.g. Embryoscope, TimeLapse or any other embryo monitoring system

  • Embryo Glue €250
  • PGT-A (PGS) not included

    Genetic embryo testing - chromosomes aneuploidies analysis

  • PGT-A / (PGS) embryo biopsy not included

    Embryo biopsy before PGT-A testing

  • ET - Embryo transfer first transfer included
  • FET - Frozen embryo transfer €1,800

    During next cycle if the first failed and there are frozen embryos left

Payment terms

If donor sperm is required the cost starts from €750. 

Cancellations without additional costs: cancellations made between the signature date of the quote and signature date of the “Checklist” document.

Cancellations with additional costs for personal reasons: Should the patient decide to cancel the cycle:
Stage 1. Between the signature’s date of the checklist and 20 days before the beginning of the time frame, an invoice of 25% of the quotation contained in the checklist will be issued.
Stage 2. Between 19 days before the beginning of the time frame and the beginning of the time frame, an invoice of 70% of the quotation contained in the checklist will be issued.
Stage 3. After the beginning of the time frame, an invoice of 100% of the quotation contained in the checklist will be issued.

Cancellations for clinical reasons:
• Before the puncture: €1,021
• In case of no egg retrieval: €2,041
• In case of no fertilisation: €3,482
• In case of non-transferable embryos: €5,300

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