Interview With North Cyprus IVF Centre

We are pleased to provide an interview with the Medical Director of North Cyprus IVF Centre – Dr Savas Ozyigit.

Dr savas ozyigit

Dr Savas Ozyigit


Can you tell us a little more about North Cyprus IVF Centre? Why should people visit your clinic in Cyprus and not elsewhere?

North Cyprus IVF Centre is the very first ART unit in Northern Cyprus. As a pioneer in its field, our clinic has introduced a number of firsts in the region. The first IVF unit, the first donation program, the first research lab and now with our clinical trials in place, we are proud to offer our patients utmost service quality with years of accumulated knowhow, experience and dedication. Practice makes perfect! Years of research, treatments and training has made our team experts in the field of assisted reproduction. Our success rates are not only highest in the region, but they are well above world averages. This, combined with reasonable treatment cost, attracts quite a large volume of international patients.

Do you specialise in a particular treatment or type of infertility?

We offer standard IUI, IVF/ICSI, donor egg IVF, donor sperm IVF, gender selection for family balancing and a number of new treatment methods. One of these new methods is the « Cytoplasmic Transfer » that we offer patients 40+. It has been shown that in more advanced age brackets, mitochondria found in egg’s cytoplasm tends to age. Aging of mitochondria reduces its ability to provide sufficient energy for cellular growth as well as cell division. Replacing damaged mitochondria with a younger one is a promising clinical trial that we are currently running.

How does your egg donation program work? Can you tell us how you select donors for couples and single people wanting donation?

Our egg donation program is anonymous, therefore, we cannot share pictures or contact information. However, we ask that our patients fill out our intended donor recipient form so that we can gather information on our patients’ donor specifications. We also ask for pictures so that we can match our patients with most suitable donors.

I understand that you are moving buildings, can you tell us why and what will this mean for potential patients?

Yes, our current building is unable to answer to some of our needs. For instance, with increased volume of our international patients, we feel the need for an entertainment room so that our patients and their families can enjoy a stress-free environment while receiving their treatment. We are also incorporating a SPA center with massage, meditation and fertility yoga alternatives for relaxation of the mind. Our new building will also allow us to engage in stem cell research, which we have been preparing for some time.

Can you tell us a little more about what support and facilities are available to people coming to your clinic from abroad?

Given that majority of our patients come from abroad, we try to make sure that their stay in Cyprus is a pleasant one, because their experience is not limited to the treatment that they receive. Accommodation, ground transportation and sightseeing are also parts of the whole experience. We have our patients pick up at the airport upon arrival and we make hotel reservations on their behalves. For patients interested in sightseeing tours or any other activities, our patient coordinators help organize such activities.

Lastly, why should people come to Cyprus? Is it a relaxing country to visit?

Cyprus enjoys 300 days of sunshine in a given year. In contrary to most European countries, Cyprus is rather unspoiled and offers plenty of sunshine with natural sights and sandy beaches.

Read more about North Cyprus IVF Centre and IVF in Cyprus.