Interview With Director of Praga Medica (GEST IVF)
Zdenek Dvorak, Managing Director at Praga Medica kindly gave a short interview about Gest IVF in Prague and also their about service to people travelling to...
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Ce blog est dédié à des articles sur le traitement de la FIV à l'étranger. Il concerne principalement le traitement en Europe mais peut également inclure des zones plus larges. Il y a des interviews du personnel, des informations sur les voyages à l'étranger et également d'excellents articles d'invités. Nous espérons que vous apprécierez le lire et que vous obtiendrez autant d'informations que possible.
Zdenek Dvorak, Managing Director at Praga Medica kindly gave a short interview about Gest IVF in Prague and also their about service to people travelling to...
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Are you considering going abroad for IVF treatment? One of the reasons couples may consider going abroad for IVF is that it is perceived to be...
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Je me suis souvent posé cette question. Si vous faites des recherches sur les cliniques de fertilité à l’étranger, vous verrez que les taux de...
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Deciding to go abroad for IVF treatment abroad is quite a big deal. Not only do you have to deal with the treatment itself, but...
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I was recently reading an article on blastocyst appearance before embryo transfer and live birth outcome in a publication by the European Society of Human...
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Summary Report of IVF Clinics in Europe by ESHRE The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) have just published IVF results for Europe...
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Dr. Stepán Machac of Reprofit International discusses egg donation and treatment in the Czech Republic. Dr. Stepán Machac thank you for your time. Lots of...
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Many people email me and ask whether IVF in Europe is actually cheaper than the UK. Spain and the Czech Republic are favourite destinations for...
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Most of the IVF clinics abroad will opt for ICSI as the primary choice for fertilising eggs, even when the semen analysis is normal. The...
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The best practice guidelines on cross border assisted reproduction issued by ESHRE place significant emphasis on donor welfare. I asked IVF clinics abroad for details...
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I recently spoke to a couple who were considering going abroad for egg donation. They very kindly agreed to chat to me about their search for...
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You’ve made it to the embryo transfer stage – great! But now comes the decision about how many to transfer. IVF clinics aim to get...
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It can be quite scary to go to another country for medical treatment. Apart from all the travel arrangements, there is the treatment itself, and...
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Juliet Le Page shares some of her insights into the world of fertility problems and what she does to help people who come to see...
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There have been a lot of news stories recently about what the best food is for increasing your fertility. At a recent meeting of the...
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According to the Scottish Medical Journal, anecdotal evidence has indicated that men who wear kilts without any undergarments (so-called Regimental style) have better sperm quality....
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An interesting recent article was published in the Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology about cross-border fertility care. Basically that means people travelling abroad for fertility...
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People often ask me what are the differences between Spain and the Czech Republic clinics. Having visited clinics in Madrid and Prague, and entered loads...
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I read a really interesting article in the January edition of Focus on Reproduction which is a newsletter published by the European Society of Human...
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Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a test that can be carried out on IVF embryos to ensure that only embryos unaffected by a particular genetic...
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Intracytoplasmic Morphological Sperm Injection (IMSI) is an additional tool that some clinics use to select the best sperm for injection into the egg. It differs...
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One in six couples worldwide experience some form of infertility problem. In the UK, with funding for fertility being cut as a result of measures...
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For many people requiring IVF treatment, the priority when choosing an IVF clinic, is finding somewhere with good success rates. This is even more so...
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The recession in the UK has meant that many primary care trusts have clamped down on NHS funding for fertility treatment. This unfairness of funding...
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